Convoy Live Fire...........
Anyways since Night Fire ended.....I've been so tired...not to mention my hand I touched the rifle with after firing it constantly hurts a little because I touched the barrel and it WAS FLAMING HOT!!!!! god damn it........oh well shit happens....but anyways got 6 hours of sleep....unluckly our platoon was picked for detail and my squad ends up going...this sucks....everyone else gets an extra hour of sleep.....oh well got up and got our stuff ready....We would get all our gear....and then head downstairs....ends up when I got downstairs....I didn't have my wet weather's missing......god damn...I must have left it on the nightfire range somewhere....shit......oh well I was about to tell DS Hoaglund but we proceeded to the DFAC maybe I'll tell him I'm ending up worrying the whole god damn breakfast....shit I lost something.....just hopefully someone found it...I know they always sweep the area....after they anyways finished our lovely breakfast and then got back to the company....and got our gear and hopped on the red company truck. We all squished in and sat down on our rucks....we would just chat about in the upcoming weekend since FTX is gonna happen....after 10 minutes we arrived at the live convoy fire range.....we dismounted the truck and grounded our gear.....and then proceeded to the range cadre about setting up the targets.....anyways today we'll be firing blanks and tomorrow we're going to fire live rounds....but anyways we would procede to another white truck to load up the targets and we finally got on and proceded downrange......then we would set up the targets one by one in specific positions....after that we would get back the range and get back to the windscreen awaiting the arrival of the other Privates.....lucky them......they didn't need to wake up early.....but I guess today we have to do PT in the afternoon.....I'd rather have it in the morning....argh....but anyways while everyone sat in the windscreen by platoon....we would get another boring safety briefing and what would comprise of today's agenda...oh well shooting blanks...we're going to learn how to mount and dismount from a truck.....we learned how to hold the rifle.....they really emphasize muzzle awareness......well we got organized into groups and learned how to mount but I had a little problem holding my weapon and almost pointed at one of the NCOs and I got warned....but DS Code who watched us wasn't happy so me and Hartman who also had problems are holding rifles in front of us and doing rifle PT which absolutely sucks ass.....after that but DS Hoaglund approached me and then asked me where my wet weather gear was.....I said not sure Drill Sgt....he then told me "Pvt Harris you better find that wet weather gear...I want you to go to the windscreen and ask if anyone has extra wet weather I ended going there but just sat down.....and then my group was called up for going to the range.....we would mount and that NCO I nearly pointed at earlier looks like he despised me......well we finally rolled along and did the range....fired all our mags...pretty fun....then after that we dismounted and got back to the windscreen..Then DS Hoaglund would approach me and I was at ease and he asked me "Did you ask yet Pvt?" I said "No Drill Sgt not yet" Then he had to make a huge scene by quieting everyone and asked about my gear....that if it isn't found they're gonna rip the barracks apart......anyways great thanks DS Hoaglund.....but then we would wait til everyone has gone and then after everyone had gone we would get on our gear and head back to the barracks......we would get our lunch and just chilled all day and go to dinner and then mail call and showers...tomorrow's the day we fire live rounds...the same routine but with live ammo...sleep...damn it got fireguard...
An STX and Night Fire hell yeah baby!
You know this gets really boring doing the same old shit....waking up every morning at 0430......I'm glad this is just training......oh well I'll off the rack and made the bed and got my hygiene crap in order....then I would get in PTs and me and my battle buddy would get down to the CTA for PT..once we done that, we would march to the DFAC and eat our yummy! breakfast chow....the best goddamn meal of the day. After chow we would then get back to the barracks and get back into our BDUs and get our gear on....we have a STX today.....oh well got our gear on and proceeded downstairs with full battle rattle. Then we all would get in formation and we would march to Trans....ooooo this time we got buses now yay! We were then on our way when we all got onto the buses. Took 10 minutes to get to our destination....we got off the buses and proceeded to the forest area where we would be split up by platoons. Today's teachings would be concealment...basically with camo....we would help each other put camo this sounds fun ain't it? When we all put camo on we got all these funky patterns lol but overall it's a fun expierence.....DS Code would come over and teach us proper ways to put camo on. There was also one thing I hated what we did that day....since we had our Pro Mask with us....DS Code said Gas Gas Gas...we would have to our gas masks on in less than 9 seconds...the ones who didn't ended up in the Front Leaning Rest...and I'm the one to be in that position...not to mention thank god I wasnt alone.....ok I said to myself....get the mask on faster lol he would later then do this a couple times.....argh....but overall DS Code is cool....he's also a Drill Freak....oh well....We would then get our MREs and eat chow....I got Beef Ravioli's not bad just for ready to eat meals....MREs are not that bad like people tell's just that make you shit bad though lol but maybe I haven't eaten MREs 26 days straight like guys in the past did....but anyways after chow we would get in a circle and get a lesson on how to make a tent out of our ponchos meanwhile while we got that DS Johnson called for my battle buddy and since he was my battle, I had to get up with him....but when I got up and rushed....since I had my rifle slung to my back....the muzzle hit Isgitt a female....and ouch she was pissed and told me to get away from her.....well I think she deserved it.....she's a bitch I'd tell ya....oh well too bad lol....but anyways I came back and sat down.....and after I got back it's another gas gas gas....god damn it I hate these sessions..but nevertheless got my mask on...thing is I gotta drop my glasses to put my mask on....after that session we took our mask off and then we were told we're going back to the cool off and then we're going to do some firing at night.....we got our gear on and proceeded to back to the barracks and basically just chilled.....then we were told to get back on Trans to the range.....we're going to conduct Night Fire tonight....meanwhile we got to our destination....and then we were about to be served dinner's going to be Hot A's fresh from the DFAC...yum...while we waited we would get nice stories from DS Hoaglund and he told us his Iraq war stories....he didn't like talking alot about them but now he was more opened with us to share it..after those inspiring stories...we would then line up to eat dinner chow....yummy chicken! Gotta love Army food eh...those old ladies in the DFAC do a good job of cookin......anyways after that we would get our safety briefing...and then we would get three mags full of ammo....we would empty two clips and when we would hit the third clip we would get our gas mask on....first it would be daylight and the 2nd round would be at we all lined up waited for our turn.....damn it rocks....firing the weapon fun.....then it was my turn.....Fired my two mags and put my mask on but the funny thing is I forgot my optical lenses so I couldn't see shit inside my mask and blindly shot at my targets lol.......after that we would sit down and wait til night would fall....then we would line up again to fire...but this was so cool...they're firing flares so we can see our targets down range...this time we wouldn't have to fire with our masks we fired all of our three mags fun fun.....after that we would get on our gear for shakedown...and then we would get back on's 11 pm...really late.....but we have live convoy fire tomorrow.....nice.......we would get our showers...wakeup is 0600 while people on range detail has to wake up 0500 and leave early...and guess what my squad gets chosen god damn it...I could have used that extra sleep...oh well....I need some sleep....
Buddy Movement Training
Ah.....another day of training....gah this is getting old waking up at 0430 in the morning.....oh well...I'll live as I always I woke up and did my hygiene stuff and we got our gear ready and usual Johnson would get his gear on faster than me......and then I finally got my gear on and headed on with him downstairs...then when we approached downstairs we grounded our gear and while the PG would report to the DS's and then we would march to the DFAC for breakfast...yum sausages and eggs....I'd tell ya one thing I love about eggs....put some ketchup on them it makes it soooo good. Trust me it does....since you don't have time to taste it so you rather do it....but anyways after chow we would all run back to the barracks and get on our gear. And then we would march to Trans....damn it, it's cattle trucks this time...oh well again I'll live...I just hate being all scrunched up in there....anyways we arrived to the range where we'll be doing Buddy Tactical Movement, basically we all move in Battle Buddy Teams covering each other......hard to explain but here's the pictures of what we did.   Basically the DS's would show us how to do it first...basically we are firing live ammo so we have to be very careful and be fully aware where our muzzle is pointing. The DS's are always stressing muzzle awareness. Anyways it's so fricken hot today. and it was only like fricken 10 am in the the DS's told us to roll our sleeves and we're in Heat Cat 5, where it's HOT HOT HOT......but anyways word is the Command Sgt Major is going to watch us...and she's a strict lady....I heard especially on drill....god forbid on our graduation practice whenever that comes we screw up I heard she made the last battalion stay up til 2200 until they got it all right......whoa. Anyways 3rd platoon preceded with training....but soon Leon a private in 3rd platoon would nearly collapse and a female Drill Sgt would bring him over and I and another battle buddy would get him under a tree....The First Sgt and SDS made sure he would be living because it's their ass if he doesn't...but anyways we got out an MRE and gave him bits so he can recuperate. He'll be fine. BTT would be canceled though. oh well so much for that kind of training and getting there....but it's just so fricken hot, I'm talking about 95+. Imagine that....We would get on our gear and clean up the range of brass...meanwhile me and Jones JA when we would clean up he would sneak brass into his boot. Normally DS's don't check that when they do shakedown. I guess that's one way around a DS. After that we would go thru shakedown as you know to make sure we didn't have ammo or brass and then we would get on trans back to the company. We arrived and we would be distributed MREs....yum..Veggie Burger with BBQ sauce....after lunch we would ground our gear in our lockers and then head to the killzone to get a discussion from DS Johnson...basically just joking around and what to expect in the week ahead.....she said we're going to expect Live Convoy Fire and such soon.....and a 10 mile ruck march to the FTX site.....well I'm up for that (I hope...)then we would be called down to the CTA for dinner formation and we would head the DFAC, eat and head out...get mail call and shine our boots....then shower and sleep....tomorrow is another STX......
Ugh another Sunday....I bet I won't go on pass because DS Johnson is still pissed about me pushing her on that day...oh well I'll live.....anyways wakeup 0530.....and we just made our beds and did our hygiene stuff....and then formation....PG would report in to the CQ DS and then we would be dismissed.....guess what this pass would be the onpost pass....we can go ANYWHERE on post...because next weekend we're going on our FTX....damn a 10k well a little more than that but hey that's nice finally something hardcore lol......but anyways just did some bay maintenence and then reported for formation for chow...yum breakfast least we got time......DS Beale was on CQ but he's pretty tough on alot of should hear him yell (anyways here's a pic of him on the left.) I cannot forget the lines yeah I got ya Private yeah you got ya Private we're gonna have some personal time with ya....."  and pretty young for a DS but again...he was a hardcore MP...but anyways after chow we got back to the barracks and got into our BDUs for going on pass.....basically he would read off the list on who would go and who would not...I bet I wasn't on that list....he read off the list and guess what I got to go! YAY! Finally freedom! lol I got my 2 qt canteen and proceeded off with Hartman...we would go to the movie theatre and to the main PX...and eat some goodies and..yum I haven't eaten so much good stuff since I was here at FLW...anyways got a haircut also I wish I can get a high and tight now...this buzz cut is really getting annoying.....anyways I love this....but anyways we had to be back around 2000 and so we did....after accountability formation we would get back in the barracks and chill and get our showers and some sleep...tomorrow's we're doing an STX...oh fun fun...
Grenade Qualification Day and Blue Phase!! Finally something fun once again....anyways I woke up and did my hygiene crap and got my gear ready......and Johnson once again is waiting for me....then we would head downstairs to the CTA and grounded our gear...then the PG would report in and we would then march to chow...yum...breakfast chow....the usual stuff...cereal, sausages and's a tip put ketchup on your me it's FABULOUS..and tastes great. Besides Breakfast is the best meal of the day when you're here....anyways after chow we would get back to the company and get on our gear and head to trans..where they would take us to the Grenade range...when we arrived there we grounded our gear at the assembly area...and then they would tell us to be get in formation as a whole company and by ranks the cadre would have chalk and put 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 5 on your split us up for better organization and do which courses first. There are a couple stations, the live grenade station where you'll throw two live grenades, another one, where they make sure you can throw the grenade (spark one)far enough, the grenade qualification course...and then proper technique on how to throw grenades....I'm not going to go into how they throw grenades but that's how we did's a picture....  basically there's a standing stance and then a prone..but anyways after the ranks we would go into the windscreen and get a BORING safety briefing and they would talk about certain grenades...and then show us a car and then threw a incidiery grenade in it and it went thru the hood...I said whoa...that's some cool shit...but after that then the DS's would show us the grenade qualification course on what to do and how far we're supposed to throw...there's 7 stations one's written and the rest you throw the grenade the proper way and distance....looks easy though...after that since I was in group 5 I would be going to the station where they would teach us how to throw it properly....we're throwing dummy grenades...oh well....after that they would sent us to the station where to judge that we can throw far enough.....we would be in our IBAs and then we would assume the stance and duck in the bunker after we threw it... well I passed and eventually everyone passed..and then we would be sent to the Live Grenade range....there we would be marched with PV2 Gloyd...when we're marching he's singing cadences...he's not bad at all I'll say...he's like a DS...I can see him as a DS though...great man...but finally we arrived at the live grenade station where we would throw live grenades. We would get inside a bunker and watch fellow Privates throw their grenades and damn they are loud...good thing they told us to have on your headphones...imagine in a combat are going to lose some of your hearing...because you won't have earplugs in a combat zone...while I was waiting the Company Commander was with us...Captain Stoffel...warmhearted guy, he is...but then he asked us while we were waiting for our turn to throw the live grenades..."hey Privates, what kind of car do you drive?" I said a 2003 Convertible Mustang...."holly god Private Harris you are some lucky private eh....get some chicks?" I'm there smiling and laughing and said "yes Sir I do" Then he said" I drive a Ford 1995 truck...boy you're lucky man" wow I think I like officers now....but then it was my turn to throw the grenade....I assumed the position and then threw 2 live ones...they went decently far...finally we finished watching the grenades blow up..we headed back to the picnic table area where they had the MREs setup....Some groups ate early so they did the qualification course....meanwhile for us..though it WAS TIME TO EAT! I got the Country Captain Chicken one! Yum Skittles......Candy! then we would see some groups who finished the qualification course and I asked them on how they did the course...some got expert, some got marksman and some got sharpshooter....they said it was easy though....then after lunch chow we would then go the Grenade qualification station...there we would do the written test....then on to the throwing stations....but I got to admit when we throw the grenades we had to say some KORNY "Battle Buddy cover when I throw my grenade. then your battle buddy would say Got ya covered Battle Buddy" Also like this "Battle Buddy cover me while I prepare my grenade" "Got Ya covered Battle Buddy lol...god this is hilarious though....but I threw the grenades and they passed and did the usual procedure...but when you move between each have to be motivated...meaning that you would have to run with your War FACE! saying AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!but anyways finished the grenade qualification course and made expert...after leaving the course...we were then checked by STO-2s on our hydration cards...I said oh shit...I don't have mine...and then they would write my name down to give to the First Sgt that I didn't have my hydration card....oh well...we passed them but then I went back and remembered it was in my pocket all the time...and then they scratched my name off...oh goodie..I don't want to be smoked for that shit....finally we got back and the windscreen...then they would call for volunteers but I didn't go....but some Privates went....but I would just sit back and chill and we would get a nice debrief from the SDS....and then we would get back on our gear and head back to barracks by trans....this time we got buses....hooah! I love this kind of training......but after we got back, we grounded our gear in our lockers and headed back downstairs for formation! It's phasing time baby! The company commander would come out and we would be at attention and he would take command from the first Sgt. and declare we go to Blue Phase....and we more white's blue now...after that we would be at ease and hear a nice blurb from the Company commander. About what he could have done...and what's coming up like FTX and stuff...and what to expect...we have two more weeks before BCT is over...after that we would get around him and give him suggestions and ask him when is FTX and what are we provided with and such...we finally finished at and got in formation once command to the First Sgt and then the DS' we're at Blue....we would then get a little lecture from our DS and then we would march to Dinner chow....BBQ ribs it gets better and better day by day eh...but after that mail call, shining our boots and shower and then sleep....tomorrow is the day we're going on pass...this time it's a on post pass....yay!....gotta sleep now....
Today just another day....but today we have our 3rd Inspection....The 1st Sgt is going to inspect us today....we'll be in formation by platoon and with our M-16s....anyways woke up and did my hygiene stuff and then headed down for formation with Johnson..and then the PG would report in and we would then get in PT formation for our regular morning PT....I hate running today...especially 60 30s..but hey at least my run time is improving...but after PT formation we got upstairs to our bay and changed into BDUs and then we would go down for formation to breakfast chow...oh yum the best meal of the day. Sausage as usual, gotta love the stuff ya know...but after chow we would get back to the barracks and conduct bay maintenance. And then we would go to the killzone and clean our rifles and prep them for inspection. Drill Sgt Johnson and DS Hoaglund are stressing a little about inspection. They want us to pass and succeed. Hopefully we will. I made sure my BDUs were squared away with no strings and such, I'd kill myself because I spent 1/2 hour looking for problems with my uniform...I would then take apart my rifle and apply CLP into the chamber and hopefully that would get carbon buildup out . It's a bitch cleaning this crap though but nevertheless it teaches us responsibility. Soon we would then march to lunch chow......yum cheeseburgers for lunch...too bad we don't have much time to fully enjoy the meal, still we had to rush as usual. Then it would be inspection time...meanwhile we would practice inspection arms...this is the procedure  because some recruits would still have issues with it....I was ok on it...well hopefully. Our platoon guide would put us at ease until our DS instructed us to go to the other CTA and soon the First Sgt would come out and inspect 1st platoon....and then our platoon....squad leaders would call to attention when the first Sgt approached their squad....and then parade rest when he leaves his/her squad to the next one....when inspecting the private, the private would perform inspection arms (if not performed correctly the First Sgt would take his rifle and inspect his/her rifle most likely) and then the First Sgt would ask him a question on the Army Values or ranks or the Chain of Command which were highly stressed into us since Day 0. Then he would come up to me and I performed Inspection Arms, he didn't take my rifle though...I guess I did it right and then he asked Private Harris, who is the Regimental Sgt Major? I said the Regimental Sgt Major is Sgt Major Barrett First Sgt. Then he left...phew...that was a close one....but thing is some privates would be asked about their weapon number and the effective and maximum range of the M-16...I was lucky not to get those questions. However after the inspection of our platoon we were dismissed to our bay and DS Johnson would direct us to the Killzone and we would get a small debrief from her. She said we sucked but personally in her view she think we did fine...she would ramble on that the First Sgt hates 2nd platoon because we're so good...and then she would joke on about stuff....she would then ask questions to the privates that didn't get the questions right and why they didn't know.... meanwhile we would wait for the other platoons to get inspected...time would pass by and after every platoon got inspected we would be called down for dinner chow , after dinner chow, mail call while we were shining our boots, then shower then sleep...tomorrow we're going to do the grenade range...LIVE grenades :D oh hell yeah! Also I hear we phase to Blue....o nice more privledges...I think...
MOUT site
oh goodie.....woke up in the morning and did my usual hygiene crap...and got our gear ready and headed downstairs along with Johnson for formation....and we would ground our gear and the PG would report in to the DS and soon we would all march to the DFAC for our yummy Breakfast chow :D Anyways we would pass by Foxtrot Company...and damn they have like 45 people on profile....damn....anyways I bumped in DJ the DFAC...gee some messed up private...anyways after yummy chow we would get back to the company and get on our gear and head to trans. From there we would be dropped off at the MOUT site. We would get on the bus and ground our gear at the assembly area....the MOUT site looks pretty had arabic signs and such...and it looked like a warzone...I can imagine what Iraq looks like...Anyways after assembling 1st platoon looks like they fucked up so DS Code smoked the hell out of them...something about a mess in their bay oh well not my shit to worry about but anyways we would head into the main building where there was bleachers and it was air conditioned. There we would get a briefing and our range cadre....there would be stations and we would be split up....first we would learn how to manuever in an urban environment like this in a line formation and we would like learn how to look and be on alert for enemies and such... we would have to be spread out so we wouldn't be hit by grenades in a worse case scenario situation and such.  Then we would proceed to the area where we would learn how to clear rooms....and the basics using a 4 man team....kinda hard to explain I'd rather do it in person (it's easier to say but here's a picture of what we did.)  Then we would go to a site where we would learn how enter a building with a 4 man team without a ladder using a few tools in a matter of less than 30 seconds...our team would be competing with each team made it in 19 seconds...impressive eh....others made it 15-23 seconds average.....then we would get a break and eat our MREs and then the range cadre would show us some cool MP videos and some war videos...damn it made me so hyped up....watching a terrorist shoot a rifle at a tank...and then getting blown up..that's so highspeed...but anyways after that my group would approach the station where we would climb the ladder with a 4 man team in less than 30 seconds again..we did in 21 seconds....nice....I love this stuff....this is the kind of training I like :D After that we would cool off and then head on trans back to the barracks......and then dinner chow, mail a letter from Theresa yum thanks Swedish Fish! and then shower....and sleep..I got fireguard sucks....anyways gotta sleep...
M203, MK19 and the AT4 :D
Today's another day.....but today we're going to fire the cool stuff! The big guns baby! damn...but anyways woke up and did my hygiene stuff and got my gear ready...and of course you know my battle buddy Johnson is waiting for me and then we would head down to the CTA and ground our gear.....PG would report in and then we would march to the DFAC and eat our lovely breakfast...yum sausage....I don't get tired of this shit, because it's sooo good. Then after breakfast we would get back to the company and we would get on our gear and head to trans......we're going to the US Weapons Course today :D firing the fun stuff :D we got on the bus and we were on our way...gosh all this gear....I weigh so little...and all this gear is killing me...oh well...It's Army life for me....meanwhile we got to the range and we would depart the bus quickly and ground our gear at the assembly area. and then we would get our rifles cleared by our DS and then proceed to some tables where we would lay our M-16s since we weren't going to be able to be using them today. First we would go the windscreen where we'll get another boooorrring safety briefing....and then we get in a formation and be split up in two groups one for the M203 and the AT4...before we did that...we would get to see LeMarche , the Private that made Expert during BRM, blow up claymores and fire an AT4 round.....damn those are LOUD as fuck...I can imagine when you go in the field and using those things in combat...after that since I was in the M203 group we would go to a small classroom and we would grab the M-16 with a M203 launcher and then head outside. DS Mckay and DS Mckloskey would teach us how to reload and fire the M203 round and how to aim it right. It took me awhile to learn but I got the gist of it. Then we would all go down to the M203 range and fire the M203...these are not real rounds...basically we fire flares and tried to aim into a window....I fired 2 rounds and it was close to the window but eh I don't care at least I got to was ok though. Then our group would head to the AT4 classroom and we would be taught by DS Beale and DS Code how to handle the AT-4 and what to say before we fired....saying "BackBlast Area Clear!" Then we would dry fire it....finally we would go down range and fire the AT-4...again these are flares and not the real thing....oh well...fired 10 rounds and it was finished...I can imagine firing the real thing....anyways after that would be MRE time and I would chat with Garcia about home and such....damn I miss home...but then we would get back to training after eating's going to be MK19 time, (for those who don't know what an MK19 is, it's a grenade launcher)  Basically we would get a refresher's course on how to load and charge the MK19...and then we would fire the baby :D, we would get these rounds and these rounds are fairly big....and heavy lol..and then we would fire these babies downrange....I would have to wait in lines to fire the MK19...meanwhile I would see DS Hoaglund screaming....AS usual...geez...I think he's bipolar....oh well...I try to avoid him as much as I can and I'm scared of him I would get in line where DS Sharp (she's a Reserve DS) and soon it would be my turn to shoot....I charged it and then I forgot what to do...then I remembered...she yelled at me though for not remembering it on spot...after spewing the rounds downrange...we would get on our gear and we would hop on trans back to the company...damn cattle truck I wish could burn these things to the ground and we would get buses..but that's me....anyways we got back to the company and would ground our gear in our lockers and head down for dinner chow....yum...sweet potatoes and corn! yum.....and then we would get back to the company, for mail call, shining our boots and then we would get our showers and finally sleep...tomorrow is MOUT....finally....some high speed action!
M249 time :D
Today's another day....oh Albert forget the past anyways...I woke up did my usual stuff and got our gear on and headed downstairs to the CTA and then grounded know the drill, PG would report in and we would then march to the DFAC and eat our wonderful breakfast chow. Then we would get back to the company and got on our gear. Then we would get on trans....this time it's those buses :D Thank God....but anyways got to the US Weapons range and we would clear our rifles even though we're not going to use them at all....weird but anyways we would then march and put our rifles in a holding area under the tower and they would lock them up....and then we would go to the bleachers and then get a briefing about safety once again...gosh it gets boring hearing these things...but then we would get a course on how to use the .50 cal....but we never fired it...that sucks...then how to set up the claymore...and then we would learn how to fire the M249 and how to load it and clear it...and then fire the baby :D oh yeah I loved it...once I got on the range and loaded 50 rounds into the SAW it was so cool...with this power in my hands :D gosh I wish this was my primary weapon but it was cool while it lasted....after that we would eat lunch chow, which again was MREs, I would talk with Garcia (he's in Iraq now FYI) and we would exchange goodies as usual....and then after everyone completed firing the M249 we would get our rifles and get back on our gear and wait for Trans to get back....meanwhile we got on Trans and got back to the company....and then we would ground our gear in our lockers....and go to the killzone to get some lectures...and then we would be called down to dinner chow, tonite's entry was BBQ chicken yum! Then after dinner chow we had mail call and then we would shine boots and then shower....and then the usual Hydration Formation...and then sleep...I got fireguard tonite first sucks lol but anyways tomorrow we're going to fire the AT4 and the M203! YAY! Gotta sleep now...
ARM and today sucked ass...
gosh...another's Monday argh....I need some candy....Hartman got me a bag of M&Ms and I put in the laundry bag...ah...I'll get it later...but anyways woke up and did my hygiene stuff...and then got my gear battle buddy Johnson is waiting for me and telling me to hurry up my gear on and (ya know I gotta get quicker now adays) downstairs and grounded my gear....the PG would report in and then we would march to the DFAC for morning chow. Gosh I love morning's just so goooodddd but anyways after that we went back to the company and got our gear on and marched to catch our trans to the range. Today we would be doing Advanced Rifle marksmanship where we will have our weapon pointed down and on safe and then when pointed up we turn the selector lever on semi and shoot a couple rounds and continuously doing that at the standing position and then the kneeling position. Well we got on Trans and this time it would be a cattle car...again these things...imagine getting cramped with everyone with gear yeah it's kinda cramped in there and hot. But anyways we arrived at Range 2 where we first dry fired a week and 1/2 ago. but we got off trans and grounded our gear at the assembly area and then lined up to have our rifles cleared and then walk to the windscreen to hear the "safety briefing" you would always get at the do get tired of hearing these briefings...then we would starting shooting..I would get in line and I would see DS Johnson and DS Hoaglund giving instruction as the recruits would shoot and DS Johnson would look at me as she was my enemy...I guess she's not going to forget about me shoving her that one day....oh well...she said stop looking at me Private and then I looked straight....geez I shouldn't have shoved her....but the past is the past but she was going to be my instructor when shooting and I know she wanted me to screw up by the way she was looking at me ...but then Senior Drill Sgt said I need some privates to come down this lane and I volunteered so I could get away from DS Johnson....and I ended up with DS Thomas and truly he's a great DS and a nice one actually, barely yells, very soft kind of person and loves to play Halo 2 on the Xbox during CQ lol, I shot my rifle and he praised me...meanwhile as I got off the range some idiot would piss off DS Hoaglund and I would hear him screaming at would always hear DS Hoaglund screaming on a range everyday no matter what....oh my rifle cleared and got on my gear and waiting for everyone to finish....once everyone was finished we would get all of our gear on and get back on Trans....meanwhile we got back to the company and grounded our gear in our lockers and then get a course on how to assemble and dissemble the M249 SAW and the MK19...and then lunch would be MREs by the the Country Captain Chicken...yuck....but anyways it had Skittles...yum! Can't say I hated it! but anyways after chow we would get back on the M249 and then DS Hoaglund would approach me and I would snap to parade rest and said Private there's some of your buddies saying you have food in your locker...I said no Drill Sgt....and he went on his way...oh damn...someone snitched on me...gotta do something about it....but anyways went upstairs and cleaned up my locker and remains of my food...not to mention I left a wrapper unchecked in my locker....and then went back upstairs to finish watching the dissassembling the weapons...and then we would proceed to the Killzone to clean our weapons and then DS Hoaglund went up to me and said he wanted to go to my locker and I would open it and he would search it...and so he did....and he found a wrapper that I forgot to throw away and he said Private don't do this again...good thing I didn't find any food in here...and then he left me....went back to the killzone and cleaned the weapon....and soon it was PT time and we would get into our PTs and proceed downstairs and get in formation...and then we would get in PT formation and do our daily would be strength day so we would do pushups and situps....and so we did and then we would have dinner chow well just before that Senior Drill Sgt would come out yelling and saying that he heard some Privates having food in their lockers and he would check every single locker in the whole company.....oh damn I'm screwed I have Peanut M&Ms in my laundry bag...and they would go thru everything thing...pockets and we ate dinner chow and then arrive back at the company and we would tow the line and wait for the all of the DS's to check our lockers...I'm so screwed...DS Mckay would come in and then tell me to open my locker and then asked me if I had anything....and I said yes (I had to admit it to avoid big punishment besides integrity is part of the Army Values) and then asked me where it was, I said it was in the laundry bag....and he took it out and put it on the floor....and then checked everything else...and nothing....oh damn my locker is so messed up...but anyways we were finished and he would check the other lockers...SDS would come in and when he saw the M&Ms he said Private why would you do that...and then walked away....meanwhile another DS would open the bag and spread it around...oh geez...looks like I'll have to clean it up later...after that we would clean up and get our stuff together...and then lined up to get our plates for our IBAs...and these plates are worth alot of money I'd tell ya....not sure how much they cost but these are not cheap and they are heavy....meanwhile we would get our beds back together since they were ripped apart because of that inspection and went to fireguard tonite...tomorrow's another day.....and we would shoot the SAW :D (Anyways I found out I wasn't the cause of that was some guys in 4th platoon that was running a chain of selling candy and SDS was so furious when he heard that...looks like DS Hoaglund kept it down....) (my buddies would clean up the mess for me while I was sleeping)
Ugh great it's Sunday....but again it's a good thing! 1 more hour of sleep...damn I wish we would wake up everyday like this! But oh my buddies would go on pass and I can't because I shoved DS Johnson and I guess I got punished for that...damn I regret doing that ya know.....So it sucks not being able to go on pass.....anyways woke up and did my hygiene stuff....and got with my battle buddy and went downstairs for formation....PG would report in and the usual stuff and then we would be sent upstairs to conduct "bay maintenance" basically I just sat at my locker and wrote some letters til we were called down for breakfast chow. We were called and we all marched to the DFAC....singing the usual cadences. After breakfast chow we would get back to the barracks and perform more bay maintanence...meanwhile I would get Hartman who was going on pass to get me some candy so I gave him money....hopefully I won't get in trouble because well you know the rules....anyways we would chat until they would call everyone else to get dismissed for pass....and they did the usual check who was on pass and finally the people on pass left and then we were sent up.....well a couple of guys in the platoon didn't get to go on pass so I hanged out with them.....they're crazy guys geez they're playing sword fights with the PT mats that is hilarious too bad I didn't participate in them....their skin is like but anyways got called down for lunch chow and this is the part I love about not being able to go on pass which is not spending money.....because basically you know why I'm pretty tight on cash...I didn't bring an ATM card so sometimes I would have to wait til momma sends me money thru the mail. Also there would be one Drill Sgt at the table and just eating so we can take the good food like jello (I dare not to take cake because it's risky....)anyways after lunch chow...we would go back to our bays and I would fall asleep at the fireguard desk, that's another thing I love about Sundays I COULD SLEEP! soon it would reach 1645, that was the time when everyone was supposed to be back....and everyone did just in time...and then we all went to dinner chow and then we all chilled.....for a couple of hours, the Sto 2s would chill on their bunks and I would just chat with them.....and then we would shower and then fireguard tonite :D yay....tomorrow is Advanced Rifle Marksmanship...
EST and it's frickin Saturday!!!
Hm.....I'm so tired from yesterday....ugh...great....another early wakeup....4 weeks to go I think.....I can't wait to go home...where I will sleep on my own bed.....oh I wish...but anyways woke up 5 minutes early and did my hygiene stuff and got down to know the normal routine, the PG would report in and stuff, and then we would get in PT formation and perform our exercises....and then we would do our AGR....god I hate those....this time we went out to the Water tower and this is brutal.....I can feel some pain again where I got hurt the 3rd week...the same exact place but I still kept going until we got back to our company....god damn it, I can barely walk...but I still can at least....anyways Next week is US Weapons and I can't miss anything at all! Then we were told to take showers and get into BDUs....damn my buddy's shirt is soaked like he has been hosed down.....geez we had to put a towel so the shirt wouldn't create a anyways took a shower and changed into BDUs.....and then got down to formation and we marched to chow singing Airborne MP (replace Ranger with MP) fancy style DS Code way! Damn I love his cadences but he can be a bitch sometime when it comes to D&C (Drill and Ceremony) lucky he's not my DS...he would keep his platoon (1st) outside and do some facing movements and practice marching while our platoon and the others file into the DFAC to eat our breakfast.....then finally first platoon after 5 minutes of D&C would come in and eat. Then we would leave in groups to the company and wait in formation for the DS's. After that we would get our gear and head downstairs in 10 minutes....Today we're going to the EST to learn ARM (Advanced Rifle Marksmanship) and learn when the weapon is pointed down and on safe and learn to react when you see a target and put it to single and then after finish firing then put on safe.....basically we did that and lunch chow came up and we ate then we would wait for other platoons to go thru the EST and while we waited we practiced manuevers if an enemy and how we would form basically, basic tactics. Then soon it was our turn to go in....we would file by squads and watch first when inside the others shoot....some couldn't shoot for shit some did fine and others did great. However I did great. 19 of 20 shots and another 18 of 20 shots....some others guys in my squad shot 0 on the first try...ouch. Then we would file out and the ones who didn't do well would speak with DS Johnson and explain the reason why they can't do well...well I was fine and was told to get on our gear until DS Hoaglund would get our platoon and march back to the company.....after that we would get to the company and went up to our bay and ground our gear and go into the killzone to clean our weapons.....I hate cleaning weapons ya know but I'll have to get used to it...gonna do that alot when you're in the field out in Iraq anyways. but after cleaning up we would be called down to dinner chow whenever the other platoons came back from the EST. After the yummy scrumcious chow there was no mail call :( but we had to shine our boots....gosh...I hate shining these boots....Johnson would talk about her girlfriend and how she is and stuff....gosh she's like 80 lbs lol and whoa imagine if he was on her...oh never mind I don't think this is the place to talk about this....oh geez but you get the picture! After that personal time to write letters, shower and to bed.....I have fireguard tonite....looks like I'll write letters...tomorrow's there's pass but I can't go because I guess DS Johnson doesn't like me still when I literally accidently pushed her off her feet...... oh darn...tomorrow's another day...
It's Friday...
It's Friday....yeah it's Friday...Did you have any of those days which you didn't want to wake up...yeah it was one of those days...but I fought the urge to sleep more....and I guess what my battle buddies woke me up by putting a canteen of water over my head and pouring over me....ok this SUCKS! Now the white sheets are wet!...damn luckily there are the outside green sheets... but anyways got up and did my hygiene and got on PTs....and Johnson is again waiting for me at the door to get downstairs for formation, got my rifle and my canteen and went downstairs....and got in formation. The PG would report in to the DS and then we would get in PT formation and commence our daily PT would be 60 30s around the track...after those I was out of breath....but I felt good...I didn't sweat as much as the others though...Johnson though his shirt was soaked like he had been thru a frickin rainstorm...we would go upstairs to change PT's and get in our BDUs....and hang our shirts to dry outside our lockers....Johnson's shirt on the other hand is dripping with water and he ends up putting a brown towel under it....and it's still dripping...damn he sweats like hell I'd tell ya...anwyays we get down to formation and marched in cadence to the DFAC for breakfast....yum.....eggs and sausage and cereal.....I LOVEEEEEE Breakfast....anyways got back to company and we would practice squad manaevers, DS Hoaglund would teach us the hand signs for danger zone, headcount, pace count, platoon leader, platton Sgt and so was pretty interesting. Then we practiced a simulation of what to do if a grenade comes by...this is how it goes, we're in a wedge and a grenade is thrown in the middle we disperse and then hit the ground with our helmets covering our face....and yeah that's how it goes...then we performed the same tasks over and over with each squad then we were up, a couple simulated grenade attacks and covering and manuevering, fireteams and such and then we pretend someone gets shot and I'm the medic....he said Private explain to me what you should do to help her Private!!!! I felt panicked and scared and stressed and forgot everything I learned in First Aid...I was there and then he said boom another private is down, "COME ON PRIVATE HARRIS DO SOMETHING ANOTHER PRIVATE IS shot WHAT ARE YOU GOING TO DO!" There I stand there panicked and shocked......I really forgot my first was just so sudden....then he said Private you better remember your first aid and when I come back in 5 minutes you better tell me what is to be done...there I got help from my battle buddies and told me the procedures...and then DS Hoaglund would come out and I would explain to him about the procedure and then he said Private you better not frickin forget that stuff or your battle buddies in the field can die! Damn....phew that's over....from now on I'll never forget my first aid...anyways lunch...and then remedial training with the Rifle and then dinner chow and mail call, shower and then fireguard tonite thank god...
oh how lovely....the day of up did my hygiene and got my gear ready and made sure I LOCKED my lock....I don't want another god damn repeat of what happened on Tuesday....but anyways Johnson is still waiting for me...damn I need to get ready down to the CTA and grounded my gear....platoon guide would report in to the DS's and got us accounted for....and then we went on to chow....yum I love breakfast...pancakes and syrup and Raisin Bran....your typical back to the company and got on our gear and we were on our way....anyways got on trans which this time it was a bus. We got off grounded our rucksacks and put our ponchos on them and then the DS's would clear our rifles. We're shooting at Range 9 which is a flat range unlike the other ranges had frickin hills and such..but we all went to the windscreen and sat down and soon recieved a safety brief...argh the usual old brief then we got shooting....and soon it was my into my foxhole and adjusted the sandbags to my comfort....and then we would prepare ourself until given the order to get our rifle and started shooting....shot the 75m target and soon the 100m, 125m, and other targets....I did pretty well shooting in the foxhole I think I got like 18 hits in the foxhole supported position...but now to the nightmarish one...the prone into position and got ready and then we were given the order to fire and so I did...I hit 4 targets until I litereally became VERY impatient and tried to shoot the 300m target and end up wasting many bullets on the targets that were very far and my last shot I hit a 75m made that 5...I wasn't really sure how many I hit and I hoped I at least qualified...cause you know I sucked today really bad...I mean I suck. but anyways soon we were lined up on the line to get our results and being that in the first lane I would get my results first....Senior Drill Sgt said 23 Marksman a go. DS Johnson looked at me don't look at me Private...So instead I looked beside me(I wish I didn't push her at all I'm so sorry) and watched my buddies get their qualification badges and watch the ones who didn't qualify fall out and head out to the no go section to qualify again. Oh geez I did it and I made it....even though I made those stupid mistakes of firing at the 300m target so much. but anyways I would watch people after that I headed to the air conditioned classroom they directed us to and I saw people who qualified in the battle buddy who went ahead of me didn't qualify yet....oh darn now I'm getting worried...anyways we chat and waited for awhile and some DS's would come in and out and congratulate us that we qualified. Later I saw Johnson and he did qualify and hit 23 and made the minimum like I did....soon we ate MREs and this time I got Veggie Burger with BBQ sauce yum...I love BBQ sauce...after that we waited awhile for everyone to qualify, most of the company qualified and only a select few did...then we did shakedown which they would search us for brass or ammo....and then we would put on our gear and wait for trans back to the company...this time we got buses again....damn I think I can get used to this lol. Next we would get to the company and ground our gear in our lockers and went to dinner chow...then mail call, shower and then fireguard tonite...I need some sleep...
Day before qualifcation....
Oh darn.....last day we get to practice before the big day tomorrow....anyways wakeup was the usual time 0430, got my hygiene stuff done and about, and got my gear and Johnson is always waiting for me oh well I should be getting ready faster...this time I made sure my locker was SECURE....but anyways got down to formation and the PG would report in to the Drill Sgt and were accounted for....then we would be on our way to chow....yum a great breakfast it was....we would pass by Foxtrot 787th...damn they had so many privates on profile can you imagine it 40 or so Privates on profile, that's fucked up....but anyways finished with chow in 5 minutes or so and then got back to the company and got on our gear and marched to Trans....Cattle Cars this time, ya know I'm getting tired stuck in these but oh well I gotta get used to them....maybe when I write to the Battalion Commander we need more buses instead of these trucks...but anyways got to the range and we would practice what we would usually to the windscreen, get that usual safety brief and went on our way. Soon my turn to get called up and I got in the foxhole, and I began shooting, personally I don't like how these ranges are set up and you can confuse on which lane you're shooting at....I shot at lane right next to me....and I only shot 9 of my targets on my lane because I shot at the other lane...looks like I made someone got a go and I didn' I got sent with the no gos and went to remedial training, god I it's my mistake shooting someone's else's target....and then we ate lunch and then we got another chance and this time I fired at MY LANE, and ended up with a 27 oh well tomorrow's another day....but anyways got back on trans and this time it was a bus...oh the Air conditioning about time we need it...but anyways got back to the company, and grounded our gear and we would go PT as we usually do and then went to dinner chow, yum this time BBQ meat and sweet potatoes....god I love this dinner! Too bad I wish I had the time to pleasantly eat my dinner, as usual we had to eat quick and get out of there and we got back to the Company...mail call, looks like I got a package from Mom, yum Raisinets I haven't eaten candy in so long besides the candy in the MREs....but anyways shower and then sleep...I got fireguard tonite it last shift...tomorrow's a big day...
uh today is not a good day....but another day it is...
Same shit different day....damn...but anyways wakeup was the usual my stuff ready and the usual hygiene done....anyways got my gear on and guess what I forgot to lock my locker and both of my DS's came in and are checking bad luck...damn it but anyways I thought maybe I could get to my locker intime and rushed down the aisle and DS Johnson would be down the know maybe I could pass her because I'm thin ya know but I got all this gear on and I didn't intend to push her off her feet and onto the bed....and now she's yelling in my face STOP PRIVATE STOP, WHAT THE HELL YOU THINKING PRIVATE!!! FRONT LEANING REST POSITION and I'm watching DS Hoaglund going thru my locker and throwing everything out.....damn..I gone from her favorite to her disgusted Private....oh well....then she told me to recover.....I guess that was my only punishment the front leaning rest....anyways got all my stuff back in my locker...I'll deal with organizing it later...I'm thinking was it worth it to get back to my locker? I wish I could go back to the past and locked my locker...but the past is the past....anyways I got downstairs and the PG would report in and we would ground our gear and get in formation for chow....and then after chow the on trans to the range and arrived there, grounded our gear and then went to the windscreen to get the usual safety brief....and then we would be lined up to fire....Soon it was my turn and I got behind the foxhole and waited for the buddy of mine to finish firing, damn he sucks...but anyways soon it was my turn...and then we would all fire....damn I fired some rounds and then I get a damn weapon malfunction....I quickly done SPORTS and remedial action...and then returned to firing....I didn't pass this time and it sucks...luckily we have one more time to fire, when it's a 75m target aim at the low bottom, when 150 aim at the chest, 300 aim at the head. and don't forget the 4 fundamentals...anyways 2nd time to shoot and this time we got multiple targets to fire at....and this time no weapon jams...yay! Passed with flying colors....just hope it will be the same during BRM.....anyways lunch then waiting for everyone to finish....which was boring just sitting there...then we would go back to the Company ground our gear and got down to the CTA for formation for dinner chow and mail call shower and then sleep, I still regret bumping into DS Johnson I'm her enemy was an accident.....anyways tomorrow is another day and one more day before BRM qualification....
another day of BRM
Shit god damn it.....another day of up and got my gear ready, Kevlar, IBA, LBV...and rucksack....filled up my canteens and damn Johnson is still faster than me getting his gear ready...oh well we rushed downstairs and got down to formation...damn anyways Platoon Guide would report in and we would get in PT formation and after that back to Company and got our gear on....dang first time I wore this gear since I had crutches...hopefully I don't strain this leg anymore...well we marched out and got on trans, this time it was buses...thank god I think I'm getting tired of Cattle Cars.....but anyways got in a seat and slept a little on the way to the Range.....damn it started raining....oh well when we got to the Range we got our wet weather gear and covered rucksacks with our ponchos and went to the Windscreen, then we recieved a Safety Brief from the NCOIC. Then we would get ready to shoot....the range out there looks like a jungle with bunch of trees and tall grass....anyways we were lined up and in firing it wasn't my turn yet so we waited until our names were announced by one of the DS' I got in the line and grabbed my magazines for my rifle and then got cleared by Capt Baranow the XO, then proceeded on to my designated foxhole, so I waited on the bench behind the foxhole because someone was still in it shooting the rifle...finally later it was my turn, so I got into the foxhole and adjusted my sandbags....damn it, the rain, I hope it does nothing to affect my performance....then we were told to get into position and load our magazines and so I did, then we would pull back the charging handle and then directed to put our selector to semi and begin firing....I was doing pretty well....then a stupid jam...god damn I did SPORTS which is remedial action and fixed it but I lost two targets to the damn malfunction...but anyways got my 18 targets....then we were told to go to the prone unsupported position which is my weakest I got on my stomach and got in position....and the usual procedure and then we began to fire and hitting 2 targets my M-16 freakin jammed again....damn it...this time it's not firing...oh I withdrew my mag and input it again...I lost 16 targets to the damn malfunction but I fixed it and managed to take down two targets....damn....I only hit 22...1 away from a passing...oh well there's many other days...Got our results and SDS said "just 1 Private what is going on?" I said weapon malfunction Senior Drill Sgt" Then he went away oh well....I sat in the windscreen watching everyone else shoot their rifle.....we ate MRE's for lunch and then we went back to the Company to do RTT when is remedial training and helped us on our weak skills and tried to make us stronger....time passed and then we went to Dinner Chow....yum BBQ meat and sweet potatoes....I love this Army food not to mention it's frickin FREE! but anyways after that mail call, shower and fireguard tonite....damn I need sleep...we're going to a better range I hope tomorrow....I have 2 more days before qualification and I'd better qualify...
Wakeup was at up did my stuff and got down for formation....the platoon guide would report in and soon we got orders to do "bay maintenance" I guess we just chill or clean up the bay...oh well anyways, today we could go on pass but I got in trouble because I left the Company without my crutches last week without letting DS McKay knowing so I can't go on pass this weekend....argh..but anyways then it breakfast chow oh yummy! Anyways DS Marlar is on CQ so he's gonna be easy and I heard he just chills in the CQ office all day...back to the Company and stayed there...didn't feel like going to Church today...everyone already left to go on pass....while I'm here in the bay with a couple other people...we chatted about some things and had some fun playing games and such......the other Privates on pass were supposed to come back 1600 and soon it was that time so we got dressed BDUs and waited in formation for them...everyone came back and soon we ate dinner chow and then upstairs chilled and shower and sleep....argh got fireguard tonite......tomorrow we go out to the range...
ugh...another's Saturday....wakeup at 0430....did my stuff...and got downstairs to the CTA....we're not going anywhere today....anyways last nite some Sto 2s (those are Soldiers who already graduated Basic training and were split ops coming for AIT) came yesterday and they settled at the bunks at the end near the latrines....names were Holderbey, Grimes and Kress.....First Sgt all granted them an on post pass....guess he's too nice but anyways my followup to get these crutches off me was first PG would report into the DS and soon there was PT which I didn't take part on at all since I had crutches still...then breakfast still had someone to hold my tray for me....and then back to the company to conduct bay maintenance...meanwhile we were going somewhere the EST....they would leave by platoons so first platoon went first to the EST...we're just sharpening our skills on BRM I guess...anyways then my appointment was coming up soon....One of the Sto 2's Holderbey filled out a sick call slip so he'll be able to go with me to the CTMC. Then we got on the Red Company Truck and waited for the Sgt to drive us there...and soon she got in and drove us there in a matter of minutes. We got dropped off and Holderbey would get his medicine and I waited for an appointment...did the usual like before, I checked in, got my blood pressure and temperature and then was sent to the waiting room. Finally after 15 minutes of waiting the specialist called me up, and I told her I felt better (I still had some pain) and then the doctor would come in and analyze me... then touch where the pain hurt tremendously last week and it still hurt some...but I said I felt nothing...he then said "you won't need crutches any more Private. Good to see you feeling better, it's a miracle you healed up so fast" I felt so happy....He also said I was on profile for no run no march for 5 days...oh well at least I'm able to do PT anyways I got out of there and I found Holderbey waiting for me outside and we walked back to the Company area. Then I would report into the CQ office. DS Marlar looked at me and said HE'S CURED!!!! YAY! (I laughed so hard in my mind) I was dismissed then I went to my platoon and saw our white phase banner furled...and I showed my DS my papers and said if you're on profile anymore I won't graduate....and he pointed to our white phase banner and said you know Private what happened? I said No Drill Sgt. We're back in fuckin Red Phase Private! Then he would storm off....looks like he's in a bad mood today....and someone fucked up....oh well...went back to my platoon. Then 15 minutes later we were called up to go to the my gear on and my helmet and ruck...and we marched over there...I didn't march with the platoon and I walked just right behind them walking...because I was on profile. Anyways got to the EST and grounded our rucksacks. Meanwhile we would get a lecture from DS Code on BRM. and soon it was my turn to get inside the EST...and I shot 30/40 targets...that's Sharpshooter...nice! Everyone else did well also....and we marched back to the Company. While we waited in Formation for DS Hoaglund to come out, we chatted at ease and chilled....then DS Hoaglund would storm out and we said at Ease! We were at Parade Rest and he said" Privates I'm really impressed by these results! Looks like you proved to be good Privates and I'm rewarding you that we go back to White Phase. You're lucky he unfurled the white flag and we're back in White Phase...anyways we would go back upstairs to our bay and ground our gear and IBA and LBV...then we would perform squad tactics that DS Hoaglund had taught us a couple days ago....that was fun....we learned signs such as Danger Area, Squad Leader, platoon Sgt and such...after that Dinner chow, no mail call, shower then sleep....Got Fireguard tonite...
Another day of BRM!!
Well the usual stuff ya know...still on these god damn crutches....going to chow sucks because I still had someone to carry my tray to the table...anyways woke up did my hygiene and crutched all the way back to my bed and made it. Then I would get all my gear and have Johnson bring it all down to the down and we would get in formation and the PG would report in to the DS....then we would get in PT formation to stretch then go to breakfast chow...yum...Cereal today....anyways back to the Company and soon we got on our gear and onto Trans...which this time it was cattle trucks damn I can't stand those damn things....they are so frickin hot! Anyways our next destination is another range....We got to our destination and got out of the cattle cars and got into formation...we got our rifle cleared by the DS's and soon we would go to the windscreen to get a safety brief. The Civilian would give us our safety brief and said profiles and sick call people go first...Guess I get to be in the firing line first....Anyways this range is a computerized range and tells you where every round hits. Targets stay up and never go down and records every hit or miss. Neat ain't it? So that's where our tax dollars go to...but anyways got into my foxhole and waited for the usual procedure and then we would start shooting...I was told to shoot 5 rounds at the 50 meter target, 10 rounds at the 150 meter target and 5 rounds at the 300 meter target...shot those rounds at the foxhole position and hit most of them I think...but then we would change positions and this time would be the prone unsupported position where you're on your stomach and on your elbows. This is where I had a problem here...looks like I'll need more practice here...I hit around 40% of my targets...oh well....Total I only hit 22 targets....damn so today was not a good BRM day for me....oh well then I would wait at the windscreen for the thing it sucks is if you're first in the firing line you have to wait for the whole Company to finish which can be a long time....can't go to sleep, damn...Some people on the bleachers would talk so loud even the First Sgt who would observe the shooters said they are louder than the M-16s firing...and he threatened us to put us in the Pit if we didn't keep our mouth shut! oh darn that's the first time I saw the First Sgt Cates get mad! Anyways MREs and literally we were rushed to eat them and get out back to the windscreen....after everyone shot, the whole Company would pick up Brass and live rounds and sweep the area...basically the usual procedure we would do at every range....Soon it was time to get back to the Company and we would get back on Trans. Thank god it's a big bus!! I love that Air conditioning oh the cold air...finally...anyways got to the company...grounded our gear in our lockers and went to dinner chow....then DS Johnson would call the ones who were a no go and I was one of them and she would talk to us why we weren't making the targets and gave us pointers. Anyways after that we would get mail and shower then lights out....tomorrow is my follow up....hopefully I could get these crutches off me....I got some pain still but I can still manage it I think....I'm sick of tired not marching with the Company and someone holding my tray. This is has to stop NOW! Anyways I got to sleep...gotta save my strength for tomorrow...
Ugh....hopefully I get to group and zero today....anyways....woke up and got my stuff done...and got on my gear and went downstairs along with my buddy Johnson. Platoon Guide would report in and then we would get in PT formation and stretch. Then we would march to Chow. yum! Anyways after chow we got our gear and got on Trans to the same range we went yesterday. They seperated the ones who grouped and the ones who didn't. I didn't group so we did RTT (remedial training) we practiced aiming center mass even though we didn't fire any rounds but we practiced getting a silhouette target and trying to get the same picture everytime we shoot. It would be 11 AM by that time and then and soon we would be called up. First of all we would eat MREs for lunch. This time I had Country Captain Chicken I think it had candy in it so yum I haven't eat candy in so long! After chow I would get on the firing line and would get into position. I would adjust my sandbags and get comfortable. Then we would hear the safety to say all clear and hear the usual saying..."switch your selector lever to semi and watch your lane" and I began to fire 6 rounds so I can group and so I did. Then when cleared I shot three more rounds it went good. Then again when cleared three more rounds and DS Mckloskey who inspected my target passed me....I was so happy when I zeroed. Looks like today is a good day! Anyways we would get on trans and this time we got a nice bus back to the company. I love that Air Conditioning....I wonder do they have these Buses back in Benning? Anyways when we were back at the company, we would go for dinner chow, mail call and shower then fireguard tonite....anyways our bay still looks like shit....better clean tonite...we're going to a different range tomorrow....
Hm...another up did my stuff (got into BDUs)and we're supposed to bring all our gear with us downstairs, including the helmet, IBA and the LBV and the I did and yeah with my crutches...with my rifle slinged on my back. Got down to the CTA and ground all our gear and we would do the usual procedure, platoon guide would report in and such...then we would go in PT formation to stretch then we would march to chow for our yummy breakfast...then we would get back to the barracks and get on our gear and wait for Trans to arrive..this time we got a bus and the other platoons have cattletrucks sucks them eh? haha. But anyways we would go to the Grouping and Zeroing Range. Hopefully I would do well...hopefully I remember SDS would say shoot center mass and remember the four fundamentals and you'll group and zero....Well we arrived at the range and grounded our rucksacks and covered it with our ponchos. First our rifles would be cleared by a safety and then we would procede to a windscreen and get a safety briefing (there is always one when you go to the range) after that we would wait until it's my turn to get into the foxhole. God damn the M-16 is loud I never imagined it to be so loud...I think I've played too many games....anyways some Privates had difficulty shooting and their rounds were everywhere or they were far apart and not aiming center mass like they were supposed to..Then came my turn and would get ready in my hole and adjust the sandbags so I could get in a good position. Then we would hear instructions to load the rifle and go into red status which you pull back the charging handle to insert the round into the chamber and then he would say put your selector to semi and watch your lane...and I would begin to fire. shot the first three rounds. They were good and then I was told if I fired 3 more rounds in the general area where I shot I'm good to go. Well you have to wait til everyone fired their 3 rounds and then we would fire again after the DS's went up to every target and evaluate where the rounds hit. Then after they cleared we would wait for the safety to say the usual procedure and we would start firing again...This time I screwed up.....and the next time I got the rounds in the same place and was told to fire three more rounds well fired again and frickin screwed up! Fired again good results and this was my last chance...Fired the last three rounds and then guess what my nose begins to bleed...damn and I missed by one round because my bloody nose came up...damn it...looks like I'm not zeroing it I'm a no go for today...Anyways we would wait at the windscreen and eat our MREs and chill...then after everyone finished we would take trans back to the Company (this time we got a cattle truck I can't stand those damn things) and ground our gear...then dinner chow, mail call, shower and bed...I feel bad that I couldn't group today...damn it tomorrow I get another chance though.
Dry Firing
Fireguard sucks....oh well wakeup was the usual 0430...crutching my way to the bathroom so I can brush my teeth...then crutching myself downstairs and my buddy Johnson would bring my gear down for me....Thank God we have battle buddies....anyways the Platoon Guide would report in to the Drill Sgts then getting ready for a 8k Roadmarch...looks like I'm not doing that today (it's not a graduation requirement but the 10k and 15k is)....I'll be going on the Company Truck with the other profiles....anyways gave me rucksack to Johnson damn I feel sorry that he has to march with two rucks....anyways got on the truck and chat with the other profiles and watch my battle buddies marching while I was watching from the truck...We're marching to the Dry Fire range where we would get used to the rifle and practice using the four fundamentals....damn it's boring in this truck and guess what I have to go to the bathroom so I end up holding it for 1 and 1/2 hours until the March was the time we got to the range we got in formation and then I rushed to the latrine with my crutches...god damn these things make me slow....anyways then I would get in line for chow...DS Mckay looked over us and yelled at us to eat it faster and chug down the food down our throat so we would get on training....anyways we were told that our Rifles had to be up and facing all times to prevent accidental discharge or even fratricide(killing a friendly) we would just practice dry firing using the four fundamentals... 1. Steady Position 2. Proper Aim (Sight Picture) 3. Breathing 4. Trigger Squeeze (Dry Firing Range is Range 2 I think) Soon it would be my turn to get into the foxhole but I couldn't get in with crutches since Senior Drill Sgt said something about it. so I leave them aside and got into the foxhole...then we would commence practicing damn I can't wait to shoot live rounds tomorrow...anyways we would continue dry firing it and DS Hoaglund would watch me and said "Pretty good Pvt" Oh that made me feel good.... after that I would just sit on the bleachers and wait for the rest to finish the exercise...anyways then I would get my crutches and sling my weapon on my back. When exit the range you would meet a range safety and he or she will make sure our rifle doesn't a round in the chamber. When coming up to him/her you would say "No Brass No Ammo Weapon on Safe Drill Sgt!" (if it's an officer say sir or mam please) Shakedown is a search for live rounds and they check everything from your pockets to your LBV and cap...evidently we didn't shoot any rounds but we would be doing that everytime we exit a range..after that we would get our MREs and we wouldn't eat it just yet. Well our next destination is the EST where we would have computerized rifles to practice grouping and zeroing. The EST is right near our Company area and the buses would drop off us at the site and then we would settle down and eat our MREs...meanwhile we would get a brief from a civilian running the place about what not to do and such...damn we're being rushed again today to eat the MREs I didn't even get to eat frickin Cracker and my main meal....oh well I'll wait til dinner chow...anyways we would wait for the platoons to finish and soon it would be my turn in there to fire this rifle...Drill Sgt Sanchez and Drill Sgt Johnson was observing and was frowning due to the results many of the Privates were getting...anyways put my crutches down and got into the prone position. These rifles are the M-4 and damn I love these rifles, I wish I had one though instead of those long M-16s...anyways I grouped then zeroed wow....The others were having problems and their rounds were everywhere compared to mine which were right in a 4 cm circle...Pvt Goss damn his rounds were everywhere and some were even not on the target...oh well...Drill Sgt Sanchez says a cripple could do it why you Privates can't? That made me laugh inside and soon we got out and march all the way back to the Company...we would ground our gear then dinner chow and mail a letter from Aaron and the Boston Red Sox scores, nice they're doing great this year hopefully they win the World Series again this year...shower then to bed....I wish the pain would go away....I have a followup next Saturday I hope I won't need to use these crutches fireguard tonite...tomorrow we get to fire live rounds...
July 4th...
Damn today wakeup was 0600 I had a great sleep last nite I wish it was that way every night but too bad that ain't gonna happen...anyways did my stuff and went down for formation....MS Mckay would just march us to chow and get breakfast...damn crutches...anyways got someone to hold my tray from 4th platoon....after that...we would get back to the Company and get in formation....since DS Mckay saw me with crutches...guess what he said..."Private you're not going on pass with those crutches..." GOD DAMN IT!!! I really wanted to go on pass....oh darn...Anyways DS Thomas is on CQ today, hopefully the ones who stay back (the ones who don't pass the PT test or didn't get a go on anything) we don't do any detail....Well guess what we didn't and my battle buddies would just chill and talk about stuff....while I heard DS Thomas is in the CQ office playing Halo 2....well lunch chow then more hanging around...everyone was supposed to back by 1700 this time and we back in formation and waited til everyone got back...Everyone did get back...good thing no one went AWOL as I heard alot of Privates in other companies do...Anyways Dinner chow...Ok these crutches are aggravating me...argh...I feel like I'm disabled...but at least I get to do BRM and start shooting soon...well shower then limping to my sleep...I have fireguard tonite it sucks...
Sunday.... feels like a good day....damn I hate these crutches..anyways wakeup was at 0530 and did my usual stuff...DS Mckay is on CQ today...anyways damn we went to chow...couldn't march with the Company to the DFAC so I went seperate with the rest of the people who was profile (who had medical problems also) and then we went to eat....damn I hate having crutches...Bad thing is when you have these crutches you can't carry your tray and someone has to carry it for you...damn it...We have pass today and word is that people on profile such as can't walk or crutches can't go on pass...damn it...god damn it...I can walk fine well limp....Anyways we got back to the Company and then back up to the bay to do some bay maintenance and some Privates went to church and such...Meanwhile When everyone got back we got in formation...I didn't bring my crutches this time...I want to go on pass damn it...and then we were released to go around the brigade area...So I did it I got past DS Mckay and got to go to the shopette....damn I nearly limped all the way but I tried my best to walk normally...well bought some supplies from the MP Shoppette and today we couldn't get any goodies until tomorrow's July 4th pass...oh darn it..well went under the shade and sat around...everyone's asking where's your crutches? I just said I could walk fine...after that the First Sgt would come up and walk around checking up on us and this time he's in his civies I guess he's just hanging around.....anyways soon it was time to go...we had to get back by 1630 and I did get back...then it was Dinner chow and then shining boots then shower then fireguard tonite that's a good thing...Hopefully I get to go on pass tomorrow....
I get Crutches...
ouch the pain under my hip is killing me.....damn this's Saturday and I'm definitely going to Sick Call...apparently we have the AGRs today...anyways woke up and now I'm limping because it hurts alot now, hygiene and then down for formation....our Platoon Guide would report in and soon the DS Beale would call for the people to Sick Call.....and my name was called and I was told to stand at ease at a certain place in front of the phones to get my sick call slip and while that happened the Company was PTing as usually does in the morning...I thank myself because if I run out there I would seriously hurt myself...anyways a couple of privates and me would go to the Chow hall and marched there accompanied by DS Mckloskey. There was 4 of us and DS Mckloskey told us to eat and get out and go to the CTMC (I think it means Consolidated Troop Medical Clinic if I'm wrong they always called it CTMC) which is just down the street by the Engineers barracks. Well we ate and then I limped all the way...geez...this is fun aint it? Anyways guess what we didn't know where to go..and we ended up back at the company this time DS Hoaglund spotted us and asked why we were so back so early...we explained to him that we were lost and didn't know where the CTMC...I swear he looked at us like we were dumb....he just said down the frickin streets Privates you can't miss it! Well we left again and I'm limpin all the way down the street and this time we actually found it. There's alot of recruits and privates there and when I entered we had to enter a line to the sign in desk where you fill out paperwork on what my injury was or problem was. (Sick Call is not a place to excuse you from training,if you miss the training you have to make it up! only go to Sick Call if it's serious.) Well sat down and finished the paperwork and then I was guided to a station where they take your heart rate and blood pressure it was normal. Then after that I was guided to a waiting area. I saw a sign stating that you cannot sleep, talk or eat. oh least there was TV and CNN was on...anyways I waited there for 15 minutes and then a Specialist called up my name and I went into a room. The Specialist told me to take my pants off and BDU top off and she asked me a few questions about my pain and then she told me to wait for a doctor...the doctor came and analyzed me. I told him about the pain and where it was. He suggested to take an X-ray...well I was guided to the X-ray room and took my xray. Then I went back to room I first came in and then the doctor came in and he wanted to observe the way I walked. I limped so bad because of the pain. Then he made a decision to give me Crutches...this is the first time in my life I have to use crutches...what will DS Hoaglund say? Well The kind specialist showed me how to use crutches and then told me that she'll see me in a week to see if the pain goes away. Then I went outside in a waiting area to get picked up by Senior Drill Sgt. While I was waiting there was some AIT trainees talking and I asked them about BRM and MP AIT and they gave me some advice and told me how fun it was compared to BCT. Then Senior Drill Sgt would come up in the Company Red Truck and he was shocked to see me in crutches and asked me How the heck you get crutches private? Oh well give me the papers and get in the back..." Well SDS is not driving it's Pvt Hurd who I saw on the steering hope he drives well. Also he gets to listen to music on the way...damn I'm jealous I haven't heard music for 3 weeks....anyways we were on our way to the STX site. Thing is Pvt Hurd is awful in driving he'd make those Sharp Turns and feels like we're going to flip over...unfortunately we didn't! (I hope he doesn't read this when he gets back from AIT) anyways we arrived at the site and they were already commencing training, they were learning to secure perimeters and I saw 3rd platoon getting intruction from Drill Sgt McKay and I came up and asked DS Mckay where 2nd platoon was and he said go away Private in a funny matter because I was in crutches but he offered his privates to help me locate 2nd platoon....well we I went and crutching along with my crutches to where DS Mckay pointed his finger earlier and as we got down the path I saw DS Hoaglund walking up alone and asked me What the Hell happened and how the hell you get crutches?" I explained to him and I went on my way...and met up with my platoon. DS Johnson was teaching the platoon how to guard a perimeter and she was almost done with it and then she saw me....well she told me to go the back and they were going to the main site area for chow, looks like we're eating MREs today...well My battle buddy Johnson greeted me and asked me How I was and told him about my pain...he had been holding my rifle the whole time (if you go to Sick Call or Self Care you give all your equipment to your battle buddy and they have to carry it...) Well we got our MREs and we sat down....we would chat and stuff and eat our MREs...after that DS Hoaglund would gather up and we would do a checkpoint simuation. Our Squad would be a simulation of a convoy while 3rd Squad would be security at a checkpoint. We would do that and it would teach them how to ask questions and show ID and such....then it was our turn, we would be the security and this time 3rd squad would have an unknown terrorist, we asked for IDs and who is in the vehicle and search all occupants and then found our perp....after that we watched 1st and 2nd squad do their thing....Pvt Green would mess up as usual...after that we would go on Trans back to Company and get back to the barracks and clean up there and ground all our equipment in our lockers and then go to Dinner chow, tonight is something special...there's the Soldier's Show for a celebration of July 4th....well the whole Company would march to Gammon Field to watch but for the injured we got a ride on the Company Truck....Drill Sgt Sanchez would accompany us. He would talk funny and stuff and about me since I and another private had crutches....saying limp limp limp right...oh darn so funny...well we got to Gammon Field and waited for the company to get here and there was alot of people there....Other companies, one was in red phase, alot from Reception, an Infantry Company that was in White Phase, and other companies that were in AIT. Anyways we sat down and watched the show...There were so many Drill Sgts watching the Privates....I mean alot....but anyways there were fireworks at the end of the show and it looked pretty nice....well after the show we got back to the Company by truck while the rest of the Company marched back. After that quick shower and crutching myself to bed....I have fireguard tonite.....Anyways we have pass to around the Brigade area....anyways I heard since I have crutches I'm not allowed to go on pass.... :( anyways gotta do fireguard...