Warrior Tower and White Phase
White Phase finally some high speed training....well that's what I heard...Woke up, hygiene and brought my gear down and we did some stretching before going to the wonderful breakfast chow. Well this time I'll be getting sausage, eggs and hashbrowns and Total Raisin Bran yum! Well after breakfast chow we got back on our gear and went on trans to Warrior Tower...well this is Warrior Tower

yeah I think the tower is around 60-70 feet high I'm not really sure but it's really high up there....well first we have to use a rope to climb up a steep wall and I mean steep...well then when we got up there and had to be on our all fours for safety reasons....we had to use a rope to get across a pit and then climb down a rope ladder which some Privates feared climbing...even the Executive Officer took some pictures of those terrified faces. I'll never forget those faces. Some won't even let go when told to let go so Drill Sgt Marlar would come up and let the fingers of the privates stop touching the rope. It's no harm when dropping from the rope ladder because their is a thick mat full of water.
I commando crawled the rope bridges and went across them perfectly... Well after that we got to eat MREs and this time I got Country Captain Chicken...normally I don't eat the main meals and never heat the main course so I ate the Chicken cold and this time I got M&Ms. Well I decided to share with my battle buddies since they were eyeing my candy! Well you know I had a nice guy reputation so that's what I did I shared with them. Anyways it was soon to be our turn on Warrior Tower. 1st Platoon would go first then 2nd platoon. Drill Sgt Thomas (the nice Drill Sgt) would teach us how to tie a rope around the waist when rappeling. Then we would practice on a miniature wall rappeling down. While 1st Platoon would finish we would check to make sure our rope is secure if it wasn't the Drill Sgts would do the rope for us. They wouldn't want to fall to our deaths...then soon it was our turn. We climbed up the Tower and went on all fours for safety reasons. Senior Drill Sgt, DS Beale, and Drill Sgt Marlar controlled three stations. I had Sr Drill Sgt and Harrison next to me had Drill Sgt Beale...well since Harrison is known for fratinizing in the Company every DS knows about her...while I rappeled down damn I looked down and it was pretty high but it took 3 jumps off the wall to get down...but the funny part is that Harrison when rappeling down DS Beale would shake the rope and literally scare Harrison...I guess they wanted a laugh! When I got down I noticed a German officer was observing us He looked very important...I didn't know the Germans were interested in our training..

Anyways we would wait for 3rd and 4th platoon to get down...and then we went back to the Company by Trans and then...I noticed our phase banner was gone and we stood in formation until the DS's would come out with the red phase flag but it looked a little buffy...looks like the white phase flag is underneath!!! Well the Drill Sgt would call us to attention then the First Sgt would take place then the Company Commander would take place. The CO would give the command present arms and the banners would be unfurled to the new white phase banner! Later then he would give the command order arms! Next was Stand at ease and then told us to gather around him. The Company Commander would talk to us about Red Phase and the accomplishments we had made and what we did since Day 0 when we first came in on that bus being "sharked attacked" by the DS's. Then he would talk to us about the upcoming weeks about BRM and gave us some info on the passes we get this weekend...well while he was talking my muscle under my hip felt weird and it hurts a little when I move it...maybe it's a strain I ignored the pain and just kept listening to what the CO had to say. Then we would fall back to formation and The Drill Sgt would march us to chow and this time they would do cadences....They would start with this cadence
Hey Hey Lock and Load,
It's 4AM and we're ready to roll,
To kill the enemy and claim his soul,
So early, so early, so early, in the morning.
F. O. On the hill
He calls the artillery and brings in the steel,
To kill the enemy and claim his soul,
So early, so early, so early, in the morning.
Bradleys creeping low,
The engines are ready and they're ready to go,
To kill the enemy and claim his soul,
So early, so early, so early, in the morning.
Sniper on the hill,
He loads a round and he's ready to kill,
To kill the enemy and claim his soul,
So early, so early, so early, in the morning,
So early, so early, so early, in the morning.
For Dinner chow we were given a couple minutes more to eat and the Drill Sgts would be going around anymore to watch what we ate..but they do keep an eye on the Cake...Drill Sgts would have their own table and finally they would eat their own meals.....well we didn't need to line up in formation anymore outside the DFAC, the DS's told us that we would leave in 12 man teams back to the company and then wait in formation until the whole company gets back...well I guess this rocks! They gave us more freedom and I can't wait for the high speed training we're gonna get! Well Mail call, shower and then sleep! No fireguard tonite but I know I will tomorrow though...I hear we're going to Land Nav where they give us a map and we're supposed to go to certain points...well it's a big forest out there and no wonder why it's call Ft Lost in the Woods...oh well I must sleep!
I have a granddaughter going through this now. I just hope she makes it. What a trip!!!
Thanks for posting the pics and the info on what this entailed. No one else has info on this part of basic.
michele from nyc
Thanks so much. My daughter did this at Ft. Jackson last week.
Seeing photos of the tower really helped to understand her letter.
Ft.Lost in the woods! GOD DAMN I REMEMBER THAT TOWER! lol
Engineers lead the way JS!
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