MEPS and Reception
June 1st
Well I just woke up at the MEPS motel waking up at 4:30 as usual. I had a hard time sleeping because of the thoughts going thru my head that my dream had come true to become a Soldier. Anyways got dressed grabbed our bags and went down for breakfast. Breakfast was your usual good stuff you know the hotel restaurant food is good. Well it's the Ramada Inn oh well...Then we would go on our trip to MEPS where we would be shipped out. They were alot of people to be shipped out. Couple of them going Air Force. I remember I met a guy he was in Air Force JROTC at Sandalwood in 2002. I have to tell Colonel about him that's he's enlisting in the Air Force as a mechanic. oh well. It was a long wait at MEPS. Yeah arriving there at 5:00 AM to waiting there til 12:00 PM to get shipped out gets pretty dull. Thank God they have the TV on. They finally gave us our tickets and a bus ride to Jacksonville International Airport. Guess what we were late for our flight! So we had to reschedule a flight for 5:00 PM to North Carolina then 7:00 to St Louis MO. Anyways I made some friends on the way. They were National Guard also and 17 year olds like me doing Split Op. One was going Special Forces, and the other MP. Meanwhile we got on our flights and slept on the way to our destinations. We met a pretty Ssgt from the Air Force and she said you guys will be fine and enjoy what you have now" She seemed pretty nice. Anyways we boarded our flight to St Louis and took 2 hours and 1/2 to get there. Got there around 9:00 we reported to the USO where there was a bus waiting for us there. We got on the bus and I slept on the ride there. It was a 3 hour ride to Ft Leonard Wood from St Louis. By the time we got to FLW it was 1:00 AM Then we arrived at Reception the 43rd AG. We were all nervous and we waited and waited at the entrance while still on the bus waiting for a Drill Sgt to come out. I remember his name very well. Drill Sgt Mathis. He was at least 6 feet with a high and tigh haircut. He's on his 3rd year as a Drill Sgt. I expected the yelling and fear but when he got on the bus he was actually calm and said to get off the bus in an orderly manner and instructed us males on one side and females on the other side and so we did. After that we were told to pick up our bags and go inside to the main hall where they had benches. We filled out some paperwork and then we were given time to dispose of any "contraband" and it was our last opportunity. By the time we finished that it was 3:00 AM I was expecting a shakedown but there wasn't any. We then went to get our PT clothing issue to wear every day which I have no idea how long we have to wear them. By that time an hour passed. so it was 4:00 AM. I can't believe it Drill Sgt Mathis said wake up is 4:30 AM....ah! No sleep! So we situated in our bay and got our bunks and put our bags away. Our bay was labeled and assigned Alpha 1.

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Thank you soooo much for that journal!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a 20 year old female leaving for BCT in 2 monthes. been FREAKING out and totally nervous, only because i have no idea whats coming. what is the pit????? and what was that part you blanked out after you got off the bus!!!!?? oh my god.. i feel so much better.. gotta master those push ups though!!!
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